The latest Sakura forecast tells us, that the Sakura in Tokyo will be in full bloom this year on March 23 and Hanami invitations are out for the 2nd and 3rd of April.
Are you already looking forward to masses of Sakura photos flooding your social media accounts?
I am! And I want to celebrate this special season with all of you with a special discount on all of our eBooks.
From tomorrow, March 20th or Shunbun no Hi (vernal equinox), you can get 20% off each product when entering “hanamidiscount” during checkout.
The discount will end on April 4th.
I wish you all a wonderful Sakura blossom viewing time!

If the cherries in your area are already blooming, feel free to show your pictures!
And of course feel free to share the discount ^_-


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