Being involved in a time-consuming publishing process on Amazon, I am very happy I finally found the time to write a new eBook for Real Japanese Gardens.

In July, I wrote two articles about the Adachi Museum of Art for two web magazines, so I chose our new eBook to be about the Museum’s six totally different, but all very impressive, gardens.

I visited the Adachi Museum of Art in September 2015 where I analyzed it and took a lot of pictures.

Later, I read a lot of articles about the Museum, the official guidebook with little information about the gardens, and the autobiography of Adachi Zenko. Finally, I watched some television programs to find the information I wanted to put in my very own guidebook exclusively about the gardens, not the artwork.

The Museum was opened in 1980, complete with most gardens in their current state.

However, the gardens saw some changes over time, like the adding of an artificial 15m high waterfall or the reconstruction of the pond garden around the newly added Yokoyama Taikan exhibition hall.
Thanks to the incredible effort of the seven gardeners and the Museum spending a great amount of money for the garden, they appear unchanged since then.

The gardens of the Adachi Museum of Art might be the best-maintained gardens in Japan and I am happy I was able to create a guidebook, which was approved by the Museum to be independently published.

If you are interested to learn more about the extraordinary gardens, please visit our website and watch our eBook trailer.


The eBook was approved by the public relations department of the Adachi Museum of Art.

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