Ryokan Ryugon

You may remember my blog post about this Ryokan from back in early 2019.

Now, one year later, I finally finished the eBook about this wonderful place and its gardens! Actually, I hoped for an opportunity to visit it after the renovations which took place until summer last year but it didn’t happen and I decided to publish the almost finished eBook nonetheless.

This eBook is a little bit different from our other eBooks since it is telling the story of a hotel. I didn’t have many pictures but I gave my best to show you the structures of the place and show you the basics of the gardens.

My aim is to raise interest in the region of Niigata, which doesn’t only have many more wonderful gardens to explore but is also rich in a very special culture.

This book contains the history of the Ryugon, a short explanation of what chuumon-zukuri is, an introduction to the rooms and gardens, an overview over the different tree protection methods, and what you can find around the Ryokan.

I hope you will like this book, which is a little bit different, too!
If you want to learn more about Ryugon, please visit our website.

You can also buy a copy of our book by clicking the following button:

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