Top > Gardens Overview > Secret Gardens > Kyoto Area > Jōruri-ji Jōruri-ji(浄瑠璃寺) Jōruri-ji (浄瑠璃寺) is a temple of the Jōdo school of Pure Land Buddhism. It was founded in 1047 by the priest Eshin. It is laid out around a large pond, which was dug out in 1150. Ponds...Continue Reading
Top > Gardens Overview > Famous Gardens > Kyoto Area > Kyōto Gosho (Kyoto Imperial Palace) Kyōto Gosho (Kyoto Imperial Palace)(京都御所) The Imperial Palace in Kyoto has been the seat of the Emperor from the Heian period (794-1185) until the end of the Edo period (1603-1868). After the Edo period,...Continue Reading
Top > Gardens Overview > Famous Gardens > Kyoto Area > Amida-dō Byōdō-in (Phoenix Hall) Amida-dō Byōdō-in (Phoenix Hall)(平等院 鳳凰堂) The Byōdō-in temple near Kyoto city was built in 998 in the Heian period (794-1192) as residence for Minamoto no Toru. In 1052, it became a Buddhist temple. A year...Continue Reading
I hoped for some blog posts between the new eBook announcements, however, work kept me busy and I was not able to finish the two posts I already started.. That’s why, again, you can read about Real Japanese Gardens new eBook. But I think that’s not so bad either! Because...Continue Reading
The rainy season keeps everyone inside and in front of the computer. Me included. Unfortunately.. But actually, this is to your advantage! Else I wouldn’t do as much on RJG as I do now ^_- Finally I was able to finish the next eBook! I started to work on this...Continue Reading