Top > Gardens Overview > Secret Gardens > Kyoto Area > Jōruri-ji Jōruri-ji(浄瑠璃寺) Jōruri-ji (浄瑠璃寺) is a temple of the Jōdo school of Pure Land Buddhism. It was founded in 1047 by the priest Eshin. It is laid out around a large pond, which was dug out in 1150. Ponds...Continue Reading
Top > Gardens Overview > Famous Gardens > Other Regions > Shōmyō-ji Shōmyō-ji(称名寺) The Shōmyō-ji is a Buddhist temple of the Shingon school of Buddhism in Yokohama, Kanagawa-Ken. It was founded in the Kamakura period (1185-1333) as a family temple of the Hojo clan, the powerholders of the Kamakura period....Continue Reading