Top > Gardens Overview > Famous Gardens > Kyoto Area > Ōbai-in (Daitoku-ji) Ōbai-in (Daitoku-ji)(黄梅院) Ōbai-in is one of the secret sub-temples of Daitoku-ji and has one of Japan’s best-designed Japanese gardens. It is only open for a few weeks in November, which is also the best time for visiting....Continue Reading
Top > Gardens Overview > Famous Gardens > Kyoto Area > Kōrin-in (Daitoku-ji) Kōrin-in (Daitoku-ji)(興臨院) Kōrin-in is a sub-temple of Daitoku-ji. It was founded in 1520 as a family temple for the Hatekeyama family. The temple building (Hōjō, 方丈, abbot’s quarter) built in the Shoin architectural style of the Muromachi period....Continue Reading