Top > Gardens Overview > Secret Gardens > Kyoto Area > Shōren-in Shōren-in(青蓮院) Shōren-in is one of the five Monzeki temples of the Tendai sect located in Kyoto. Since its sixth head priest Dokaku, until the Meiji period every head priest was a member of the imperial family. This temple,...Continue Reading
Top > Gardens Overview > Secret Gardens > Tokyo Area > Tokyo Imperial Palace Ninomaru Gardens Tokyo Imperial Palace Ninomaru Gardens(東御苑の二の丸庭園) The public Japanese garden of the Tokyo Imperial Palace can be found in the secondary circle of defense of the palace, the Ninomaru (second circle). This is the place...Continue Reading
Top > Gardens Overview > Secret Gardens > Kyoto Area > Tōji-in Tōji-in(等持院) Tōji-in is another garden attributed to garden designer and Zen priest Musō Soseki. The first Shogun of the Muromachi period, Ashikaga Takauji, built this temple and had Musō Soseki design it. This rather small and secret temple...Continue Reading
Top > Gardens Overview > Secret Gardens > Kyoto Area > Taizō-in (Myōshin-ji) Taizō-in (Myōshin-ji)(退蔵院) Taizo-in is a small Zen Buddhism temple located in northwestern Kyoto on the quiet and spacious grounds of Myoshin-ji. With its beautiful gardens and treasures of Japanese art, Taizo-in is the oldest and most famous...Continue Reading
Top > Gardens Overview > Famous Gardens > Kyoto Area > Sokushū-in (Tōfuku-ji) Sokushū-in (Tōfuku-ji) (即宗院) Sokushu-in is a small sub-temple of Tōfuku-ji. It only open in autumn, which is also the best time to visit it. Unknown to most visitors and a little off the main temples, it is a...Continue Reading
Top > Gardens Overview > Secret Gardens > Kyoto Area > Shōsei-en (Kikoku-tei) Shōsei-en (Kikoku-tei) (渉成園) Shōsei-en is a garden that belongs to Higashi-Hongan-ji, the big temple of the True Pure Land School of Buddhism just north of Kyoto station. The garden is said to have belonged to the residence of...Continue Reading
Top > Gardens Overview > Secret Gardens > Kyoto Area > Sanzen-in Sanzen-in (三千院) Sanzen-in is the main attraction of Ohara, a small village north of Kyoto. It was founded 806 by the monk Saicho that brought introduced the Tendai school of Buddhism to Japan. It has a moss garden that...Continue Reading
Top > Gardens Overview > Secret Gardens > Kyoto Area > Ninna-ji Ninna-ji(仁和寺) Ninna-ji is one of Kyoto’s oldest temples. It was founded in 888 (Heian period) by emperor Oda. From that time on until the end of the Edo period (1603-1868), the position of the temple’s head priest was...Continue Reading
Top > Gardens Overview > Secret Gardens > Tokyo Area > Nezu Museum Nezu Museum(根津美術館) The Nezu museum is a private collection of Japanese and Asian art – from calligraphy to painting, ceramics, and textiles. The industrialist and president of the Tobu railway company, Nezu Kaichiro was an avid art...Continue Reading
Top > Gardens Overview > Secret Gardens > Kyoto Area > Namikawa-ke Namikawa-ke(並河家) Nowadays, the Namikawa residence is a museum of Cloisonné objects by the artist Namikawa. He used to live and work in this house. Because he became internationally successful after exhibiting at the World Fair in Paris in...Continue Reading